Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Vault Conference at Verve Church in Las Vegas. A private donor paid for our staff to go so it was of no cost to our staff. Here are some of the take homes for me:
- Doing church for people who don't like church is unique in our culture. I just don't think many do it, do it well, or even try.
- I got to meet a few people who are trying to do what we are doing here at The Journey. It was encouraging and good to make some of those connections.
- I was reminded that it can be difficult, involves sacrifice, and takes time.
- The rewards are huge! You can't compare this kind of experience and opportunity anywhere else!
- There are other churches we can work at with bigger salaries, bigger budgets, bigger buildings, and more people. So what. Who cares.
- I really love the people I get to spend time with at The Journey.
- I really love and feel privelaged to be part what God is doing here in our community.
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